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Default Number Pattern

A default number pattern describes, for this game, how a set or range of numbers can be described in a string.

Many objects, like Conditions, accept either numbers or a string containing this default number pattern.

This pattern consists of multiple possible notations:

  • Simple Number
    • Represents a single number
    • e.g.: "8", "15", "144"
  • Positive Range
    • Represents a range of numbers starting from the defined value extending towards positive infinity
    • For example in a Condition "4+" would mean, when the value is 4 or higher, it would be fulfilled
    • e.g.: "3+", "26+", "843+"
  • Negative Range
    • Represents a range of numbers starting from the defined value extending towards negative infinity
    • For example in a Condition "9-" would mean, when the value is 9 or lower, it would be fulfilled
    • e.g.: "6-", "62-", "678-"
  • Limited Range
    • Represents a range of numbers between two limits
    • For example in A Condition "1-10" would mean, when the value is between 1 and 10, including 1 and 10, it would be fulfilled
    • e.g.: "3-7", "4-239", "40-49", "384-2"
    • The order of numbers is not important. Even if the range starts with the larger value and ends with the smaller value, the game still checks if it is in between both.

Finally, all of those notations can be combined by listing them separated by a ",".

It for example could look like this: "4,35,70-100,1000+".
This example would then be fulfilled when the value is either 4, 35, between 70 and 100 or larger or equal to 1000.