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Data for Events

On this page we talk about how we can generate varying data to the event so it can then use that data to change itself.

This is useful if for example you want to rotate between characters every time the event is called or if you want the event to play out differently after you hit a certain stat limit. Or something else.

To provide this data I created the Selector class. Like the Condition Class, the Selector class is the base from which different Variants can be created. For this example we will put in a RandomListSelector class. This one takes a random value from a set of values. If we put it in the code example from the last pages, it will look like this:

init 1 python: 

    event_label_event = Event(3, "event_label", 
        TimeCondition(day = "5-10", month = "2-", daytime = "f"),
        RandomListSelector("girl", "Aona Komuro", "Lin Kato", "Luna Clark")

Now you see the added Selector. I just put it after the Condition. The order of Conditions and Selectors doesn't matter for it to work, as the Event itself just expects a Set of Conditions or Selectors after the event label. The Event will then filter out the correct classes itself.

A Selector always starts with a key, which is used to identify the value later. In the example above it is "girl". For this Selector it is then followed by all values from which one will be chosen randomly.

One important thing to know is, that after an Event is called, it will then immediately reroll the values for the Selectors. So if you start an event and the Selector returns "Aona Komuro", it will then immediately reroll the value and provide it for the next time the event is called. This is to lower the performance needed for these functions.

Another important thing is, some Selector types can wok with values that have been set by other Selectors. For that to work, the Selectors can only access values from the Selectors above it, since the values are fetched in order from top to bottom.
This also applies to Conditions, since certain Condition Types access the values provided by the Selectors to check if they are fulfilled.
One example is the ValueCondition. It checks if a value for a certain key is identical to the one provided for the Condition. That would look like this:

init 1 python: 

    event_label_event = Event(3, "event_label", 
        TimeCondition(day = "5-10", month = "2-", daytime = "f"),
        RandomListSelector("girl", "Aona Komuro", "Lin Kato", "Luna Clark"),
        ValueCondition("girl", "Lin Kato")

You see it uses the key girl to identify the value and the checks if the value provided by the RandomListSelector is Lin Kato. Only then the Event would be available. As you can also see the Selector is now encased between two Conditions. That again shows that the Conditions and Selectors don't have to be bundled. The order is only important if you want to access the values of other Selectors.

This example now would also prevent the event from ever being shown, since the Event now can only be called when the RandomListSelector randomly picks Lin Kato. Since it only rerolls the value on the first registration and then only when the event is called, the value will never change when the event can't be called. So it is now locked. So it is your responsibility to prevent that from happening unintentionally.