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The creation of mods is rather simple. You basically need only a metadata-file, put it in a folder and put that folder in the mods folder of the game.

That is basically everything you need for the game to register your mod. 

The folder structure therefore should look something like this:

Mind the School
├ MindTheSchool.exe
└ game
  └ mods
      └ metadata

I added the game exe to give you some kind of anchor point.

The metadata-file itself should look something like this:

  "key": "your-mod",
  "version": "0.1",
  "name": "Your Mod",
  "description": "This could be your mod!",
  "author": "YOU"

These values are necessary and the game won't register your mod, if you don't include one of those.

I have attached an example metadata-file to this page, which you can just download.

The game will also automatically register the path to your metadata-file.

That means for the mod to work consistently your mod should stay within the mod folder. That means if you set a path for an image for example, you always set the path relative to your metadata file.

If you have a file structure that looks like this for example:

Mind the School
├ MindTheSchool.exe
└ game
  └ mods
      ├ metadata
      ├ images
      | ├ image 0.png
      | └ image 1.png
      └ events
        └ event.rpy

To reference 'image 0.png', your path should look something like this: "images/image 0.png".
That is because the game automatically puts the path to your mod in front of paths you add.
This is so that there are no incompatibilities when you decide to rename the mod folder and to keep the paths in the code consistent.

Now what do these values in the metadata file mean?


This is the key to your mod. The game uses this value to recognize your mod. You can change the name of everything (except for the metadata file), even of the mod folder. As long as the key in the metadata is the same, the game will recognize the mod as the same one.


This shows the version of your mod. If the mod version changes since the last time the mod has been used, the game will automatically disable your mod and your mod then has to be enabled in the game again for it to work.

name, description and author

These values are just for displaying purposes. Those will be used in the mod overview in-game to show and present your mod. 

That is everything you need to know to create a mod.

In the next step, I show you how to add your own event to the game.