Here is an example on how a full file with the event and its definition could look like.c!pp
init 1 python:
event_label_event = Event(3, "event_label",
TimeCondition(day = "5-10", month = "2-", daytime = "f"),
RandomListSelector("girl", "Aona Komuro", "Lin Kato", "Luna Clark"),
Pattern("main", "/images/events/school building/sb_event_4 <school_level> <girl> <step>.webp"),
Pattern("main2", "/images/events/school building/sb_event_5 <school_level> <girl>.webp", 'school_level', 'girl'),
label event_label (**kwargs):
$ begin_event(**kwargs);
$ image = convert_pattern("main", **kwargs)
$ show_pattern("main2", **kwargs)
person "Hi I'm a dialogue text."
$ image.show(0)
person "Oh another image."
$ image.show(1)
person "Wow such simple"
call change_stats_with_modifier("school",
happiness = 2, inhibition = TINY)
call change_money_with_modifier(100)
$ end_event('new_daytime', **kwargs)
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